A very warm welcome to Year 5. We have an exciting year ahead of us!

In English, we will start from exploring the ancient British tales of King Arthur and his brave knights and promptly follow it up with an amazing theatrical production based on your very own play scripts. Next, we will travel to the dark and misty land of the Danes to join brave Beowulf in his battles against the Nordic monsters. From there, we will move across the World to the tropical forests of India where we will help to advertise a luxurious family run hotel built on the side of a hunted mountain. Our travels will eventually bring us back to England, where together with an ingenious boy, we will design and create our own machines allowing us to travel to parallel universes.

During Maths lessons we will be deepening our knowledge of numbers and all 4 operations. We will explore 3D shapes and make sure our time-telling skills are lightning fast. Oh yes, let’s not forget trying to uncover a hidden treasure, a path to which has been plotted on secret scrolls.

When it comes to Science, you better like experimenting! Folding globe circling paper aeroplanes, rivalling Darth Vader in calling forth various objects using the magnetic forces or throwing asteroids on the Moon surface – these are just a few examples of numerous other experiments waiting for you.

Let’s get started then…

Home Learning will available when appropriate.

Year 5 Home Learning

Year 5's Medium Term Plans can be found in the below document groups, detailing what the class will be learning each term.

Year 5 MTP 2024-2025

Updated: 04/03/2025 201 KB
Updated: 22/01/2025 329 KB
Updated: 19/01/2025 175 KB
Updated: 01/11/2024 221 KB

Year 5 MTP 2023-2024

Updated: 07/09/2024 221 KB
Autumn Term 1
Updated: 07/09/2024 221 KB
Y5 MTP Autumn Term1
Updated: 18/06/2024 89 KB
Updated: 23/05/2024 415 KB
Updated: 26/02/2024 192 KB
Updated: 08/01/2024 328 KB
Updated: 08/11/2023 170 KB
Updated: 27/09/2023 518 KB

Year 5 MTP 2022 - 2023

Updated: 12/06/2023 465 KB
Updated: 23/05/2023 887 KB
Updated: 27/02/2023 369 KB
Updated: 04/01/2023 377 KB
Updated: 28/11/2022 374 KB
Updated: 16/09/2022 267 KB

Year 5 MTP 2021 - 2022

Updated: 16/05/2022 887 KB
Updated: 16/05/2022 596 KB
Updated: 16/05/2022 311 KB
Updated: 16/05/2022 217 KB